Ways to serve

No matter your stage or season of life, we want you and your family to join us! Your family is always welcome.

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Don't just go to church, be the church

For a Christian, being the church is more than just attending a physical place of worship; it's about embodying the teachings and values of Jesus Christ in every aspect of life. It means understanding that the church is not merely a building but a living, breathing community of believers who are called to love and serve one another and the world around them. To be the church is to be the hands and feet of Jesus, extending His love, compassion, and grace to all.

Being the church entails living a life of faith, marked by love and compassion. It means actively participating in acts of kindness, mercy, and justice, both within the church community and in the broader society. Christians are called to be a source of light and hope, bringing healing to the brokenhearted, comfort to the afflicted, and reconciliation to the estranged. It means reaching out to the marginalized, advocating for the oppressed, and standing up for justice in the face of injustice.

Furthermore, being the church involves nurturing a deep, personal relationship with God through prayer, worship, and the study of Scripture. It means seeking spiritual growth and transformation, allowing the Holy Spirit to shape one's character and actions. It also means supporting and encouraging fellow believers in their own faith journeys, fostering a sense of unity and belonging within the body of Christ. Ultimately, being the church is a lifelong commitment to living out the love and teachings of Jesus Christ, both individually and collectively, and being a beacon of hope and grace in a world in need of His redemptive message.